Yu-Gi-Oh! Brothers of Legend Booster EN
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Includes cards used by Yami Yugi, Gansley, Crump, Alexis Rhodes, The D, Aster Phoenix, Syrus Truesdale, Zane Truesdale, Frost, Sky Scout, Yusei Fudo, Tenzen Yanagi, Sayer, Sherry LeBlanc, Grady, Yuma Tsukumo, Chironex, Reginald Kastle, Cologne, Quattro, Trey, Quinton, Yuya Sakaki, Yuto, Yugo, Yuri, Ren, Lulu Obsidian, Sora Perse, Kite Tenjo, Shingo Sawatari, Emma Bessho, Ai and Roboppi.
Introduces new members/support for the "@Ignister", "A.I.", "Appliancer", "Chaos", "Cipher", "Destiny HERO", "Frightfur", "Ice Barrier", "Kuriboh", "Lyrilusc", "Noble Knight", "Number", "Number C", "Number C39", "Numeron", "Penguin", "roid", "Speedroid", "Utopia", "Utopic", "Zexal", "ZS -", and "ZW -" archetypes, as well as the Barian Number and Shark series to the TCG.
Includes almost 60 new cards and more than 30 reprints.
Each pack contains 5 cards: 4 Ultra Rares and 1 Secret Rare. The set contains 95 cards:
2 Starlight Rares
34 Secret Rares
59 Ultra Rares
Sammelkarten Yu-Gi-Oh
Booster Packs each with 5 Cards.