Weiß Schwarz - hololive production: 4th Generation Trial Deck + - EN
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Weiß Schwarz - hololive production: 4th Generation Trial Deck + - EN
hololive production has arrived in the latest lineup of Weiß Schwarz!
Simultaneous release of all 7 Trial Deck+ and 1 Booster Pack!
You can now gather your favorite talents and construct your dream deck!
The cards in all 7 Trial Deck+ and Booster Pack may be used together with cards that their number begins with?HOL/?!
1 SR is guaranteed in each deck.
Parallel Cards
Parallel cards are randomly sealed into decks!
Every deck contains 1 SR + 1 RRR/SP!
Every deck you purchase is guaranteed to contain one of the following!
[RRR] Rare cards with special embossing (12 types)
[SP] Sign card of talents (5 types)
Products Specifications
18 types of cards + 18 parallels
50 Cards per Deck, 6 Decks per Display
8 Displays per Carton
?Rules Sheet, Playmat, and Deck Manual included
?The contents of each deck (excluding parallel cards) are exactly the same.
?Weiß Schwarz (English Edition) does not include gold/silver campaign coupon.
?Please note: Due to the expected high demand of this title, it is possible that your orders may be cut, or split into multiple shipments. We apologize for any inconvenience caused in Advance.