Weiß Schwarz - hololive production: 2nd Generation Trial Deck+ - EN *6er*
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Weiß Schwarz - hololive production: 2nd Generation Trial Deck+ - EN
hololive production has arrived in the latest lineup of Weiß Schwarz!
Simultaneous release of all 7 Trial Deck+ and 1 Booster Pack!
You can now gather your favorite talents and construct your dream deck!
The cards in all 7 Trial Deck+ and Booster Pack may be used together with cards that their number begins with?HOL/?!
1 SR is guaranteed in each deck.
Parallel Cards
Parallel cards are randomly sealed into decks!
Every deck contains 1 SR + 1 RRR/SP!
Every deck you purchase is guaranteed to contain one of the following!
[RRR] Rare cards with special embossing (12 types)
[SP] Sign card of talents (5 types)
Products Specifications
18 types of cards + 18 parallels
50 Cards per Deck, 6 Decks per Display
8 Displays per Carton
*Rules Sheet, Playmat, and Deck Manual included
*The contents of each deck (excluding parallel cards) are exactly the same.
*Weiß Schwarz (English Edition) does not include gold/silver campaign Coupon.